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   Frequently Asked Questions - We answer your questions!

What are worm castings made from?
Worm castings are the undigested waste from worms, composed of organic material mixed and glued to the ground by the "gum" that produce large populations of microscopic bacteria are very active.

What is the "hump" in the middle of the worm?
The hump is the clitellum, a swollen area in a saddle located at anterior third of the body of the worm. The clitellum contains glandular cells secreting a viscous substance (mucus) for forming the cocoon that will carry the embryos. If the worm has a clitellum then he reached sexual maturity.

How do worms mate?
Worms are hermaphrodites, which means that they have simultaneously male and female reproductive organs. A worm has to meet another worm so they mate by standing belly to belly, in an inverted position (head to tail).

How long does Eiseinia Foetida live?
The eiseinia foetida can live up to 15 years.

How do worms move?
Earthworms have bristles placed in groups around their body or under it. They use pairs of setae on each of their segments to grip the floor or walls of a burrow. Earthworms moves in underground tunnels or on the soil surface by using their bristles as anchors to push forward or backward by stretching or contraction of muscles.

How many small earthworms producing each year?
The eiseinia foetida reproduces very quickly. In general, an adult worm can produce two to three cocoons per week. After 3 weeks the cocoon produces 1-4 worms that will take between 1 and 6 months to become adult. The growth of population depends largely on the conditions under which it is located. Thus, at 10 ° C, a cocoon will take 6 months to become an adult but 2 months at 25 ° C. The density also influences it: a density of 25 per liter provides the best fertility. Under good conditions, a population of worms can double daily.

Are worms able to regenerate themselves?
Yes, but only the end containing the head survives, a docked tail dies. The anterior portion survivor must also be long enough to contain the clitellum is to say, about half the length of the worm.

Do worms have eyes?
They have no eyes, but have light sensitive and touch (receptor cells) organs that allow them to distinguish differences in light intensity and feel the ground vibrations.

Where can I purchase compost worms?
We raise our own worms "Eiseinia Foetida" in order to ensure the best quality. Please contact us by mail, telephone or mail.

How do worms breathe?
Worms breathe through their skin, so they need moisture to avoid drying out. They are covered with mucus to allow the dissolved oxygen to penetrate into their bloodstream.

What are the ideal living conditions?
The worms must be at a temperature between 15 ° C and 25 ° C and humidity between 75 and 85%. The pH should be between 6.5 and 8, they do not like light or noise.

What  do worms eat and how much food do they eat per day?
The worms feed themselves on many forms of organic matter, such as garden clippings, vegetable peels, leaves, decaying, coffee grounds, egg shells and living organisms such as nematodes, protozoa, rotifers, bacteria and fungi. They can consume daily the equivalent of their weight.

What is vermicomposting?
Worm composting (or vermicomposting) is used in particular to convert your kitchen waste into vermicompost quality and produce a green liquid fertilizer. It allows composting indoors. It is perfectly adapted to the needs of citizens: it emits no odor, ensures rapid decomposition.

Vermicomposting involves placing in a container the "the wormcomposter" worms that eat the waste that we bring to them. Their droppings accumulate and form the vermicompost from the consistency of potting soil and odorless. To ensure rapid decomposition of waste, we reconstruct an environment that is conducive to development and to their appetite.

Do worms freeze?
As all invertebrates, the processes or metabolic reactions of worms slow down when the temperature drops. They hibernate when the temperature is almost freezing. If they freeze, they die. When the cold winter approaches, to respond by burrowing deep into the ground to avoid the extreme cold.

How much will my worms eat?
This depends on the number of worms you have. Worms can eat their own weight every day and can double their population every few months. If you start with 1000 worms they will consume between 250 and 500 grams of waste per day. After a few months you should have 2000 worms and you can feed them more. Baby worms, however, do not eat much and will take about three months to reach adulthood.

Have you any other questions? Then please ask them to us, we will respond and will complete this FAQ.